Speech-Pathology Services in Buffalo, NY
Skilled services
personalized for you
Specializing in evaluation and treatment of adult swallowing and communication disorders.
We offer fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) studies through outpatient and mobile studies in Buffalo, NY by an experienced clinician in adult swallowing disorders.
Additionally, we offer swallowing rehabilitation programs including Ampcare's Effective Swallow Protocol (ESP), a form of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP) for chronic, severe dysphagia. SPS of WNY is also a certified provider of Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP).
Our speech-language pathologist will work with you to create an individualized plan for voice therapy that covers vocal cord nodules, muscle tension dysphonia, vocal cord paralysis, vocal cord dysfunction, chronic cough, and voice disorders related to head/neck cancer. SPS of WNY is also a certified provider of SPEAK OUT! a specialized voice program for patients with Parkinson's disease.
Individualized speech and language evaluations and therapy for patients who suffered a stroke, head/neck cancer, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological diseases. Learn more about how our SLP can create a personalized speech and language program for you!
Individualized cognitive-linguistic evaluations and treatment for patients who suffered a stroke, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and specific types of dementia. We also can provide treatment plans for caregivers as well.